I was finding I was having to hoover two to three times a day just to stay ontop of it all and seemed to forever be trying to brush down the sofa and the bed. Two lapcats who both sleep on the bed you can just imagine what my bed sheets looked like. When either one of them sat on my lap I was covered with a layer of white and tabby fur.
Then someone mentionned the Fur Magic. I was at my wits end and was willing to try anything.
So off I went and purchased one of these new inventions I'd never heard about. Even the day it came i was sceptical but excited. The best place to test it out was the bed. I was impressed, a few small brushes and the fur was gone, it really was like magic. The brush itself sits in its cleaning holder, it is a little stiff to pull out at first. Then all you do is brush in the direction of the arrow and hey presto, to clean it off just pop it back into the holder and it comes out clean and ready to use again.
Onces it's full the collected fur sits at the bottom and around the bottom edges
It is so easy to clean out, I just tip the loose fur into the bin. Sometimes it does accumulate in the holder but I've found a old toothbrush cleans it out really effectively. Now I use this fur magic on my bed everynight before bed and brush down the sofas whenever its needed. It also came with a really handy miniature version to use on clothes which is brilliant and just as effective, as lets face it there's nothing worse then going out wearing a nice layer of cat fur.This has been effective with both dog (Labrador) and cat fur. I really cannot recommend it enough.
Model: Fur Magic pet hair remover brush
Stockists: Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0787CQDS6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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